Pair These Plants with Caladiums for Gorgeous Containers

March 10, 2025

Pair These Plants with Caladiums for Gorgeous Containers

Caladiums are prized for their ability to bring season-long color and dramatic flair to a landscape. You might not realize it, but they can bring the same elements to mixed containers.

Easygoing caladiums pair well with other shade-loving plants for lush containers. Sun-tolerant varieties can even bring their unique combination of thrill-and-fill to containers in part-sun locations.

With nearly 100 caladium varieties, the mix-and-match possibilities are endless. Try these proven container recipes on your porch or patio for a show stopping display.


Waterfront: Caladiums and Calibrachoas

This pretty pink display was created using two Heart to Heart® Scarlet Flame caladiums and two Superbells® Honeyberry™ calibrachoa in a 12-inch pot. Use this container combo to punch up an area in part to full shade.



Sweetest Thing: Caladiums, Begonias, Euphorbias, and Petunias

This frilly pastel combo mixes Heart to Heart® White Wonder caladiums with Surefire® Rose begonia, Diamond Frost® euphorbia, and Supertunia Vista® Silverberry petunias. To get this look, one of each plant was combined in a 14-inch pot. This showy container will do best in part sun.



Lake House: Caladiums, Euphorbias, and Egyptian Star Flowers

Heart to Heart® Fast Flash™ caladium, with its large, ruby leaves, is the star of this container planting. The broad leaves are set off by the delicate clusters of Diamond Snow® euphorbias and Sunstar® Pink Egyptian star flowers. The container pictured contains two caladiums and one each euphorbia and star flower. Place this container in part sun for long-blooming, heat-tolerant color.



Made with Raspberries: Caladiums and Egyptian Star Flowers

This is a compact container showcasing vibrant shades of pink. A Heart to Heart® Tickle Me Pink caladium anchors this 12-inch pot, which is then filled with two Sunstar® Red Egyptian star flowers. Position this container in a partly-sunny spot that could use a dose of bright color.


Sea Winds: Caladiums, Petunias, and Egyptian Star Flowers

This exotic arrangement was created by combining two Sunstar® Pink Egyptian star flowers with one each Heart to Heart® Heart and Soul caladiums, Supertunia Mini Vista® Pink Star petunias, and Heart to Heart® Heart’s Delight caladiums. This is a part-sun container planting that will bring you color from spring to fall.



Frosty Morning: Caladiums, Persian Shield, and Snake Plant

This intricately detailed container planting can be adapted to a houseplant in areas from part shade to part sun. It combines Heart to Heart® White Wonder and Heart to Heart® Heart and Soul caladiums with iridescent purple Persian shield and the striped leaves of a classic snake plant.



Starboard: Caladiums and Euphorbia

The broad leaves and vivid color of Heart to Heart® Bottle Rocket caladiums are set off against the delicate clouds of Diamond Snow® euphorbias in this sun-tolerant container planting. In the container pictured, one caladium stands behind two euphorbia in a 12-inch pot.



Pink Diamonds: Caladiums, Polka Dot Plant, and Euphorbia

Heart to Heart® Va Va Violet™ is the first caladium variety considered violet according to the Royal Horticultural Society Color Chart. In this gorgeous pink-and-white container planting, it’s offset by Hippo® Rose polka dot plant and Diamond Snow® euphorbias to create a sweet effect.



Grassy Mountain: Caladiums, Sedum, and Coleus

This container brings a burst of bright green to a shady spot. Lime-green and red Heart to Heart® Mesmerized caladiums reach over the chartreuse spikes of Lemon Coral® sedum while ColorBlaze® Chocolate Drop coleus grounds the container with deep green and crimson hues.



Lemon Raspberry Meringue: Caladiums, Polka Dot Plant, and Ornamental Sweet Potato

Bring a spot of sunshine to a shady area with this brightly-colored container combination. Heart to Heart® Lemon Blush caladiums are bursting with shades of raspberry and lemon, complemented by the unique crown-shaped leaves of Sweet Caroline™ Medusa ornamental sweet potato vine. Hippo® Red polka dot plant grounds the combination with rich red-and-green foliage.


Auburn: Caladiums, Coleus, and Impatiens

Bring warm spice tones to a shady spot on your patio or porch with this richly-colored container combination. The salmon-and-green leaves of Heart to Heart® Chinook caladiums bring softness to the deep auburn hue of ColorBlaze® Royale Apple Brandy® coleus. Rockapulco® Tropical Shades double impatiens fill the gap with coral-colored blooms that look like miniature roses.

 With their vast variety of colors, heights, and leaf shapes, caladiums are a versatile addition to mixed containers. Just be sure you’re combining them with plants with similar light and water requirements.

Whether you want to brighten up a patio, add to your houseplant collection, or even incorporate them into a bouquet, caladiums bring big impact for low effort. Before creating your own stunning container, check out these care tips for growing caladiums in pots.